Student Wellbeing Support

June 19, 2024

Please see helpful links and advice to support you with your teenager’s well-being.

Ways to support the well-being of your young person and contacts for our amazing team at school and links to external support information.

1) Open Communication: Encourage open and honest conversations with your teenager. Let them know that you are there to listen without judgment and that it’s okay to talk about their feelings.

2) Be Empathetic: Validate your teenager’s emotions and listen to how they feel.

3) Seek support: Don’t hesitate to get in touch around wellbeing. Our school Hauora team are available to provide support and resources for both students and parents. Their contact details are below.

4) Promote Healthy Behaviour: Encourage your teenager to engage in activities that promote their mental and emotional well-being, such as exercise, hobbies, spending time with friends and family, and practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness and to eat well.

5) Monitor Social Media Usage: Pay attention to your teenager’s social media activity and be aware of any harmful or negative influences. Encourage them to take breaks from social media, engage with family and friends, and put the phone away at night.

Below are some key links and people you can contact for support for your young person.

If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to support you and your whānau in any way we can.


Cooper Chloe de Boo

Batten Kirstin Field

Batten Isla Reeves

Mansfield Pina Lissaman

Mansfield Dani Coultar

Sheppard Demi Mei

Sheppard Victoria Shaw

Pastoral Care Team

Social Worker Nardine Schroder

Counsellor Becs McAllister

Social Worker Katie Daly

Māori Liaison Mary Ann Waitoa

Pasifika Liaison Fuata’i Lai Kong

If you have a concern about your daughter there are many avenues outside of school support available. The following links may be useful:

Avonside Girls High School Student Support Website :

Mental and Emotional Wellbeing :